A subject you enjoyed this semester.

I chose the Biogeography subject because I like to know and differentiate the species of flora and fauna. It consists of the study of living beings in a geographical space, is a specialization of geography that is oriented to the places occupied by living organisms on earth. We have theoretical classes and fields where they are given to show the contents about the ecosystem and everything that this implies. The time we went to the field we went to a wetland in Maipú, where there was a diversity of birds that were distributed in different sectors. We had to identify how many species we observed from each one in order to do a job. We also went to observe and make plots in a ravine to find flora species.

The contents we saw were dispersion, range of distribution, demography, habitat of a species, among others. It is a very important branch for the race because one can contribute to the care of the environment and one can generate awareness about the care of the species and the conservation of them so that in this way they stop extinguishing abruptly.

This is a species that we could find.

This is all for today, bye xoxo.


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