A family meal

Hello hello!

Today I'll tell you about a family meal. I often meet with my family, meals for birthdays or special dates are always made at my house and everyone gets together, mommy and daddy's family.
One meal I remember was for my dad's birthday, where I celebrate his 50th birthday, he's birthday on August 7, but we celebrated it on Saturday 10.
Many people came, mom's family, dad's family, friends of his, some of my friends and co-workers, there were about 60 people in my house. There were a lot of things to eat because my mom got ready about a month in advance to celebrate her birthday, there was meat, pizza, canapé, sopaipillas, birthday cake, cupcakes and sandwiches.

Although my dad has always been serious and strict in the sense of cleaning the house or with people, you could see that he had a good time and enjoyed it. It was memorable because it brought together so many important people who love my dad, plus a birthday celebration is always good and entertaining. I also remember that my mom bought so much food that we ate one week the same for breakfast, lunch and dinner, i'm not complaining because it was delicious.


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